
Offering a wide range of animals, leads, bedding and toys for your precious pets

Please call into the shop and see for yourself

Animal feed

A variety of dry and wet dog food available

Animal feed

More options for your dogs

Animal feed

Treats for your dogs

Animal feed

More treats for your dogs

Bird feeders

Help the birds out and buy a feeder and food from Healthy Pets Biggar

Bird seed

A variety of bird feed available

Aquatic products

Our aquatic products are in stock for you

Mixed products

Cleaning products, bowls and accessories for your pets

Leads & Muzzles

Leads and muzzles for different size of dogs


More leads for your dogs and cats are available


Some of the small bedding we have in stock


Bedding is also available for your larger animals

Healthy Pets Biggar

Support a local independent business and keep your animals happy 



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